Trek to Savana Durga | Weekend Trip to Savanadurga from Bangalore

Trip to savandurga What a Thursday evening! After so long we had finally got a ‘4 day’ holiday! It was Varamahalakshmi the next day. So, we had a Friday, Saturday, Sunday and a Monday! It was really great. On this occasion, I didn’t do anything but sit on my “WMCCFM” (GUESS THE FULL FORM!) and watch TV. The next day, I woke up ruthlessly and already had my day planned. My friend had invited me to her place for the celebrations of Varamahalakshmi. So, I was booked the whole afternoon and evening. The next day, I was too lazy to work. I passed the whole day whiling away. And I even had a nerve twisted in my feet which refused me to walk. My father felt that we could go somewhere in these small small holidays. The next day, I was as usual as before. My parents were having a deep discussion which I did not dare to interrupt. I switched on my mobile and started chatting. It had been hours together but they never came out! What could they be doing? After a whil...