An Unforgettable Trip To Devarayana Durga

Yoga Narasimha Temple AN UNFORGEtTABLE TRIP TO DEVARAYANA DURGA It had been a week from when my school had started. It was Saturday morning, when I started to feel like going – somewhere out for trekking. So, I asked my dad about it. He said that he would think about it. The next day, early in the morning at 7 O’ clock, my mom woke me up. When I asked the reason, she told me that dad had asked us to get ready before he came from his walk. I was still sleepy and a little confused WHERE WERE WE GOING?? WHY ARE WE GOING?? WHAT TIME ARE WE GOING?? HOW ARE WE GOING?? All these questions wandered in my mind while I was getting ready. After some time, my dad came back from his morning walk. I rushed towards him and started questioning him. I din’t know about other things, but my main question was, “WHERE ARE WE GOING?” He had no clue about it. We made a face. After thinking for a while, we finally decided to go to a place called ‘Devarayan Durga’ by the...