Mandargiri Hill, A day trip from Bangalore to Mandaragiri betta, Jain Temple

Hurry up or you’ve be sun food there!- this was the status of my family before starting the trip. Definitely, it was one of the weirdest of weather I had ever seen. It was ice cold in early mornings, scorching hot in the mornings, humid in the afternoon and flooding rain in evening. So, it was obvious such a statement to come. It was already 8 by the time we thought the process of having a trek. So, by the time everything was ready, it was 9. We left at 9:10AM correctly. As always, the journey was something that I can’t describe! But on the other side the thing that was not always was that this time we were visiting a very rarely heard place called Mandaragiri hills. they say that tourism is very less here. I was super excited for this trip! The journey takes an hour and thirty minutes to reach from Bangalore to Tumkur When we had reached the area, there was a huge entrance that had written on it-“Mandaragiri hills”. We have to drive 1 km f...