A Day trip - Graceful trip to Antargange

Hurray!! I am so happy, not only me but our whole school was happy as we finished our final exam. Thank God, finally all our exams were over. No more Exam pressure and reading!! Now our holidays have started. We have two months of holidays from April till May and we can enjoy! I was so very excited for our next adventure in these holidays! It was 31 st March and we had planned to visit a place called Antaragange( it is also known as Dhakshina Kashi). We decided to start next early morning and luckily it was Sunday as my parents were free. The next morning, we started our journey around 7 o’clock and it takes at least 2 hours to reach there. So, we were there at the entrance by 9 o’clock. The entrance board was curved like a rainbow, there was a small statue of Lord Ganesha at the side and was welcoming us. We saw the steps starting from there and started climbing it. Slowly, slowly as we went up we saw many troop of monke...